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Church Purpose

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Our purpose at Agape Christian Church International is to fulfill the mandate God gave His church through His Son,  Jesus Christ:  to preach, teach and pursue the Kingdom of God. The Word says in Matthew 6:33, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”


The Kingdom is the government of a king. A Kingdom is a country where you become a citizen, not a member. We believe we do not have to pursue anything material; it is already available to us in His Kingdom.


Our purpose is also to be obedient Christians, obeying the Word of God and becoming a living example of holiness.  Jesus already showed us the way, and proved that we can walk out the lifestyle. 


Our purpose is to live up to the name that God gave us:  Agape Christian Church International.


Agape:  This word means unconditional love.  Agape Church is called by God to cover:  we cover a multitude of sins with an inviting love.  This house will deal with many people struggling with a host of issues. I Peter 4:8


Christian: We are people willing to step out of  hurt to help someone else. The term ‘Christian’ was given to a bunch of misfit people.   All the religious power rankings were in Jerusalem, but the believers in Antioch were the first to be called Christians. God sent persecution to make them move. Acts 11:19-26


Church: The Christians became a community of accountability. Our love and accountability will be tested. The believers had all things in common; they were a community that shared resources. They understood that love is not what you keep, it is what you give.  Acts 13

International:  Christ Jesus left a mandate to the church to go to all the inhabited earth and preach the good news of salvation through His sacrifice.  Agape is committed to supporting Kingdom growth through ministry efforts around the world.  Matthew 28:19, 20.

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